Karen presenting at a seminar with an audience, discussing the concept of "Grit."
Karen presenting at a seminar with an audience, discussing the concept of "Grit."

Success takes more than Hard Work

In addition to sheer determination and time, what are some other things that you must add to your tool-box to reach your goals most effectively – both personally and professionally. 

What’s your Superpower

Take a deep dive into the things you do on a daily basis and how habitual behaviours may be limiting your full potential. What awareness can you bring to the forefront again?

The Art of Effective Communication

An essential skill which impacts everyday life – communication builds or destroys. The workshop covers everything from body language, to how you can communicate effectively by being curious.

Interview Skills & Personal Branding

A strategic look at how job-seekers can confidently pursue their search – from defining their brand to fine-tuning their resume, and adopting a strong narrative.

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